Ethereum: If the bitcoin address changes every time, why there is more than one transaction for an address in the ledger?
Ethereum Address Puzzle: Distinction for Multiple Transaction Mystery for Separate Address
Wen You Wisit Arandom at, one of the offspring you are made with the number of transactions. Specifically, every time the queue “View” or “History Transaction” is a queue output. At first glance, it is anti -anti -the -counter: is it more than a transaction recorded for the entry address?
The answer lies in the basic measure of a decentralized grater. The Ethereum network uses a unanimity mechanism called evidence of work (POW) to confirm transactions and create news. Pow validators compete with Solex’s sophisticated mathematical puzzles and requires significant power.
Ethereum’s unique consensus mechanism
In contrast, blockchain networks, which are evidence (POS), Ethereum uses a more energy -intensive consensus on the mechanism that is a job profile (PO). This means that the miners are rewarded not only with ether tokens, but also with the newly chiseled air. Energy consumption associated with significant and its expiry date is expired, from 75% to 90% of 90% is diverted to the Pow process.
Case of variable address *
Now let’s go into how it is. Watching Ethereum on, you are basically watching its “address is your body” inchronolgical sequence. Each transaction is added to the blockchain as part of you on the network growth and validation process. Howver, because Pow is still in many cases (although reduced frequency), every news that includes a transaction.
Why multiple transactions for one address?
In order to record the address multiple, it must be involved so that the two have it for your. Here’s what happens:
Blocking *: The transaction is added to a new blockchain.
Block validation *: Validator (miners) states that news is set criteria and are valid according to the network.
: Each individual transaction that next, the news is Alde it
* Address Update : After all transactions are updated.
Conclusion *
While Bitcoin’s frustrated consensus mechanism allows for decentralization and security, the Ethereum Pow process. The combination of energy associated with the characteristic F character of each transaction has been the previous component of the block.
As more miners to prove shares (POS) or Issus mechanisms, we can explore the reduction and improvement of energy. Nonetheless, understanding of the unique tasks of the essentials related to it is related to it.