Solana: solana/web3.js 2.0 Issue With Using a Durable Nonce as a Lifetime


Solana: solana/web3.js 2.0 Issue With Using a Durable Nonce as a Lifetime

Solana: Solana/Web3.JS 2.0 Edition – Using Durable Nonce as Lifetime?


As a developer working with Blockchain Solan, you may have met with Solan/Web3.JS. This powerful frame allows you to create your own applications at the top of the Solan protocol. However, as regards the validation of transactions and the management of lifelong life, some limitations should be considered.

In this article, we dive into a common problem with the use of durable nonce (DN) as the lifetime of transactions in Solane/Web3.JS 2.0. Specifically, we will examine this that this could lead to problems with the announcement handles and the overall life cycle of transactions.

The original question

I continue using the NONCE account instead of a blockhash for easy sending of the transaction. The transaction looks like this:


Const tx = {{{{

Type: 'Send',

By: 'Account1',

to: 'Account2',

Value: 100,


The aim is to use the durable nonce (DN) as the lifetime of this transaction instead of red to blockhash. This approach works well for small transactions or simple cases.

Problem with the use of durable nonce

However, when using DN as a lifetime lifetime, you may encounter unexpected behavior in Solana/Web3.JS 2.0. Specifically:

  • The problems of the warning of notifications : When your transaction is verified and broadcast to the network, it will start notifications from the notification operator. However, if you use DN as a lifetime for your transaction, these alerts may not start correctly.

  • Life cycle errors : When transactions are performed in Solany network, there may be errors that affect the entire life cycle of transactions. The use of DN as a lifetime can lead to improper life cycles of transactions and potentially cause problems with the execution of intelligent contracts.

Update: Problem with Notification Handler

It seems that the warning is actually bothering in the latest version of Solan/Web3.JS 2.0. If you have trouble starting the announcement correctly, this may be a factor contributing.


When using durable non -lifetime for transactions, it may in some cases work well when working with Solan/Web3.JS 2.0 is necessary to consider potential problems. To avoid these problems, you may need to reconsider your approach and use another method to manage the life of transactions.


To solve this problem, I recommend that you examine alternative methods of management of the life of transactions, such as using an account ID or API “solan-comypair” instead of relying on blockhases. In addition, make sure your notifications are properly configured to start properly in different scenarios.

By doing business, you can ensure a smooth and efficient life cycle of transactions on the Solan blockchain.

More sources

  • Solana/Web3.JS 2.0 Documentation: [

  • Solana/Web3.js Github Architeory: [

Stay in accordance with the latest development in Solana and Web3.JS by following their official documentation, Github storage and the relevant community forums.

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