Metamask: Not able to transfer my ETH from the Smart Contract to an User Account while using Truffle or ReactJS with Web3

Metamask Problems: Not to transfer ETH transfer from intelligent contract to user account with truffle and Reactj

Recently, I met the problem when trying to transfer Ethereum (ETH) from an intelligent contract to a user account with Truffel and Reactj. The problem is the way Metamask controls the intelligent contract and the user’s wallet.


In my attempt to use Truffel’s transmission function, in my firm codes, with the Ethereum address, which is archived in an intelligent contract archive with a user account. However, when I try to perform this event with Reactj, Metamask encounters problems and cannot carry out a transfer.


In order to solve this problem, we must use the ‘eh_sendransation’ of the truffle instead of ”. The latter is outdated for the benefit of `eh_sendransotion ', which allows for better control of the flow of trade. Here's an updated version of my solidity code that uses these changes:

The firmness

Pragman solidity ^0.6.0;

MySmartContratct {Agreement

// Set the mapping of a user account and equivalent ETH sales addresses.

Mapping (address => UINT256) public users;

Donate the action (address of the recipient, sum uint256) to pay public (

request (quantity> 0, “no -valid quantity”);

// Remember the amount of donation in the agreement in the archive.

Userbalances [recipient] = user user [recipient] .adad (quantity);

// Send eth Donato to the recipient’s address using eh_sendransation.

transfer (recipient);


Function transferth (address of the recipient) Public {

request (user [msg.seender]> = 1 ether, “inadequate balance”);

// Create a transaction object using a trusffel et_sendraSation ‘.

Memory Traffic Event = Event (


Address (this),

Wei (1),

Wei (“0x”),

0 –


// sign the event with a private key and then sends it to the network.

request (tx.signures [0]. From! = “”, “No signature”);

request (tx.hash, true);

Tx.submit ();




Use of Tryffel and Reactj:

In order to use this updated contract in the Reactjs application, you need to install the "Truffel" library and set the truffle supplier. Here's an example of how to create a new project with truffle:



Truffle init npx


Create a new file namedmy_conttract.sol, copy the solid code above and therefore create a new directory structure:








__init __. JS


You can therefore use the "Scaming component"@truffel/core in your Reactjs application to connect to the truffle supplier and interact with an intelligent contract:


Import reacts, {useeffect} ‘react’;

Bring {Service Provider} from the Tartofo Provider;

Bring Web3s “Web3”;

Const app = () => {

Const Web3 = New Web3 (Window.ethereum);

Useeffect (() => {

If (Window.ethereum) {

Web3.currentprosider.connect (). Then ((account) => {

// Transfer ETH accounts to user accounts.

Web3.currentprosider.eth.sendtransation ({{

Sender: ‘0x’, // Your Contract address

A: ‘0x’, // User portfolio address

Value: 1 Ether, // Transfer

Gasprice: web3.utils.towei (’20 ‘,’ Gwei ‘) //


}). Catch ((error) => {

Console.error (error);



}, []);

return (

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