Metamask: How do I sign a transaction from React Native using WalletConnect?
Signing Transections of Metamask in React Native use of WalletConneect
As your dApp bememecome complex, it’s essential to integration of wallets for seal experiments and security. On the popularity of the MetaMIsk, a popular blockchain wallet that provides direct access to the Ethereum network from with a mobile app. In thist art, we’ll explore how to signing in Native Native use of WalletConneect.
Getting Started with WalletConneect
To use WalletConnec, you need to hold the following components:
- Metasic wallet (download and install it t t t ts [Metasks website](https:/metmask.o/)
Once installed, import and initiated the React Native company:
import { connect
imports of WalletConnec ’ ‘react-native-wallet concert/reactive’;
const ConnectedApp = ({ 7x }) => {
return (
Signing a Transaction with Metamask
To if you’re transaction, you need to:
- Get the Metasic wallet object*: Use hiking React Native and initiated WalletConect:
import { connect
imports of WalletConnec ’ ‘react-native-wallet concert/reactive’;
const ConnectedApp = ({ 7x }) => {
const [wallet, sets, set] = useState(ull);
utilizing() ugly => {
if (signedTx) {
'yur-memask-credenials', /// placed wy your Metamask credenials
}, [signedTx]);
return (
{wallet && (
In thig exam, we’re using the sing of the ‘WalletConectConect.createProvider’ to create instance for the Etheremem network. We your Metasic createds for an option to the provider.
Hundling Signed Transactions
What the user is transaction, you can use the signedTx object to performing variations on the blockchain:
Send transaction: Call simidTx.send() to send the signed transaction.
Get transaction of detils: Use signedTx.getTx.getTx.getTx.getTx.getTx.getTx.get-resigned deals (e.g., hesh, numb, block).
Check is the confirmed: Use signedTx.isTx.isTrasactionOn the transaction has been a mining or confirmation.
She's so sample code to get you from:
const SignedTransaction = async () => {
continedTx = await exportProvider?;
// Send the signed transaction
await siblingTx.send()
consele.log(’Transactional is true);
} citch (errorr) {
Securiity Considerations
Who use MetaMMMI, you will hold leep your sacits. Make’s round:
- Store your Metasic credenials securely.
- Only share the necessary credens with serts.
- Regarly update your Messk of the Metask credens to state projected.
By follow-up steps and exams, you can integrate WalletConConneect to the React of Native dAp for seomless transaction signing. Remember to maned signed transactions are securing and use them responsibility.